Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rock Statrs

What with all the rain and flooding and flu I haven't been out and about much recently so when we decided to pick up a pizza the other day I had forgotten how three handsome cavaliers invariably draw a crowd. We went to a local pizza place that is take out only so while Steve was inside I opened the back of the car as the boys love to take in all the sights and didn't take long before I was answering all the usual questions and watching the love fest. It used to be...what kind of dogs are they? but more and more I'm hearing...are those King Charles? People still don't quite get the name but are much more aware of the breed now. We were coming out of a park and walking back to the car yesterday and a lady slammed on her brakes, jumped out of her car and left it running in the middle of the street .........the boys loved her and she was all over them and vice versa. Having ROCK STAR dogs is never dull.

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