Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Puppy Tales

I have a small pantry just off the kitchen where I keep almost all nonperishable food etc..........and of course dog treats and it has become Zeke's most favorite place..........but only at certain times of the day....he has figured out when I am most likely to give them a treat and since the door is usually open part way he now goes inside this tiny pantry and waits. The first day they were here I realized that Zeke is food aggressive so he eats in the utility room by himself and the other two get their food in peace but when it comes to treats the first one that comes gets the first treat. Sometimes after they have been out to take care of business during the middle of the day I give them a little treat and I know where to find Z. He's so cute about being smart.
Have Brogie and Zeke been on heartworm prevention pills? Went by the Vet today as I only had 2 pills left and they said I would need to have bloodwork done on them unless you had some sort of documentation from vet showing a negative heartworm result. No problem if you don't I'll have them tested if need be.

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