Monday, January 3, 2011


Well here we are 2011.........I didn't make any resolutions, never do, because if I had I would have already broken it.
Steve hasn't been able to walk with us for several months and so I take all three dogs by myself which requires a little coordination......I put Brogie on a tension lead that extends 15 feet and keep the other two on short leather leads. It works well as I put Brogie's lead in my pocket and he follows just behind us. I've had people ask if I was a dog walker etc. but today I was talking to a lady that I've never seen before and she asked me if I was a HOARDER. I still don't know how I feel about it.............I think I'll just chalk that one up as a weird encounter........anyhow, that happened early on and little did we know what was around the corner.
It is a little over a mile from our house to the entrance of our little neighborhood and just as we made the turn onto the bikepath we saw a lady and her dog way ahead waiting by the road, I think she was waiting for the school bus, and as we got closer I noticed that her dog was not on a was a fairly large dog but I really didn't think too much about it as we have never had any real problems. As we got close I heard her telling the dog to sit and she took hold of his collar............we walked on with no problem but I cringed a bit when I realized it was a pit bull..........kept walking and thought all was good......about 3 minutes later I heard her screaming at the dog and I knew what happened........and I knew what was about to she was screaming I turned around and got all the dogs behind me and I got myself as big as I could and I started screaming at him to stay...... he was coming at us so fast but the same time it was like a movie in super slow motion..........I was so scared but I knew he was hell bent on getting us and there is no way I'll just be a victim without a fight. I have no idea what made him stop except I screamed soooooo loud and had my hands in front of him ..................he stopped less than 3 feet from my hand..................and he growled and I screamed at him to stay ..............he growled and took a step toward me and I dropped the leashes and I lunged at him with fists flying.............I think I scared him ...........he started backing up but he had a mean look on his face so I just stood my ground and his owner finally caught up and grabbed him. Since he had already gotten away from her before, I figured it could happen again so I took the lead off Montgomery and gave it to her and she took her dog
I looked at my three little boys............they looked at me ............they started wagging....... and I
started crying. I hugged them and we headed home. As we passed their house the lady came out to return the lead............she was very apologetic but I was having none of it and told her I would talk to her tomorrow. I want her to worry about this for awhile.
I was so scared today........... On the positive side, I got through the whole thing and didn't wet my pants!!!!!!!!!!!

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