Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brandon and the boys

Daughter Leslie has a significant other, Barry.........and he has a 3 year old son, Brandon, who will grab your heart in a skinny minute or at least that's what happened to me. Steve and I had him this weekend and as you can imagine our very quiet predictable weekend was anything was a change for us but it was even more so for the boys. Brandon is not a rowdy kid but he is 3 and he is on the go the boys were in shock at first. Montgomery got into the swing of things quickly and was soon playing fetch with balls and hotwheels............Zeke doesn't do the fetch thing but he did sit and watch as we built a lego tower and Brandon laughed so hard when Zeke knocked the whole thing down with his tail.........Zeke was interested in everything we did but most enjoyed nap time. Brogie is another story....he was very apprehensive all weekend. I think he was afraid Brandon would fall on him or something like that or maybe he had a bad experience in his past with a little one .......who knows. He kept his distance at all times and that is so unlike him. The funny thing is that today they all are exhausted and have been sleeping nonstop. I had to wake them up this morning and none of them was interested.........usually they are all so lovey dovey with tails wagging and kisses .......but not today. They went outside did their business, ate breakfast and went to sleep..........Brogie didn't even eat his breakfast. Their tails weren't even wagging!!!! They slept all day. My guess is that the boys are like Steve and I thinking that the best thing about grandchildren is that after the fun is over they go home.

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